Dependable & Affordable Professional Bondsman

bail bond company

Your Source for Bail Bonds in Hawaii

Are you searching for a bail bonds service in Honolulu, HI? If so, then you’re in the right place! At Wanna Get Out Bail Bonds, our goal is to provide each and every one of our clients with the best possible experience. We know that what you’re going through is…

3 Reasons It’s Crucial to Work with a Good Bondsman

We’ll be honest with you–finding a good bail bondsman can sometimes feel like a huge challenge. At Wanna Get Out Bail Bonds on Oahu, we know that you have a lot of choices when it comes to which bail bond company to work with. That’s why we strive to provide…

How to Bail a Loved One Out of Jail

It’s late at night. You’ve settled in and you’re curled up on the couch trying to decide if it’s the right time to head upstairs and go to bed. That’s when the phone rings. “Well this probably isn’t going to be good,” you think to yourself. It’s an unfamiliar number,…

3 Supervillains Who Would Never Make Bail

If you’ve been following along with our blogs for any amount of time, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen a number of helpful posts about the entire bail process. “How does bail work?” is a question that we get on a regular basis, and if you take a look…

3 More Supervillains Who Would Never Make Bail

If you’ve been following along with our blogs for any amount of time, you’ve probably noticed that we deviated a bit from our normal posts to discuss three supervillains that we don’t think would make bail. You see, we normally share posts offering advice and knowledge for those who are…

What Makes Our Bail Bond Company Special?

When you’re in the middle of a bad situation and you’re in need of a bail bond company, do you know who to turn to? It’s never a pleasant experience to be woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call from a loved one letting you…

How Does a Judge Decide Who is Eligible for Bail?

At Wanna Get Out Bail Bonds on Oahu, we know just how tricky the bail process can be for those who don’t have insider knowledge on how it all works. As with most things in life, if it doesn’t affect you in some way, it has to take the back…

What You Get When You Work with a Professional Bondsman

At Wanna Get Out Bail Bonds on Oahu, our goal is to ensure that our clients have the best possible experience in the middle of a stressful situation. You see, we’ve been in this business long enough to have seen pretty much everything. In other words, we often see people…

Bail Bond Agencies in the Media

We’ve mentioned in blog posts before, but thanks to television and movies, there’s often some sort of misconception about the difference between a bail bondsman and a bounty hunter. In some instances, those two roles can overlap, but in many instances, the truth of the matter is that things go…

Get in Contact Now and Make Bail Fast.

Experienced local bail agents are waiting for you 24/7.

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The Benefits of a Professional Bondsman:

Get Free bond advice 24-Hour 7 Days A Week. Collect calls are accepted and up to 20% Discount when Paid In Full!

By understanding the bail process, we can make sure you or a loved one does not spend one more minute behind bars than absolutely necessary. Speak with our bondsman today!

The legal system and court appearances can be tricky. Know what to expect out of the process and you will be better prepared to deal with any situations involving the law and authorities.

Surety bonds are one of the most cost-effective ways to make bail. By giving us 10% of the bail amount, you can then rely on us to pick up the rest in order to ensure your freedom from jail.

It's a good thing to have questions about bail - the more you know, the better you can make your way through the process. Browse through some of our most common questions and answers.